Hammer Head Gauntlet one handed programmable gaming controller
With the rise of virtual reality peripherals such as the Oculus rift and leap motion controller, I believe that the current gaming controllers that we use to interact and move around in 3D space needs to change in order to remain relevant as games evolve. I wanted to design something that would make the user feel like a Sci-Fi super hero. I give you the Hammer Head gauntlet programmable gaming controller. The H.H.G. is designed to make enjoying your favorite games possible and comfortable with the use of one hand. With the adjustable one size fits all support bracer, this controller will pretty much hold itself while you enjoy hours of fun. This special remote will also feature programmable voice command macros and configuration sets which will extend your ability to play many different game genres. Access the direction pad by simply tilting your wrist up, down, left or right. If you have lost an arm due to some unfortunate incident, this controller will get you back in the game! You should feel powerful when you wear the Hammer Head Gauntlet!
The Hammer Head Programmable Gaming Controller can essentially be utilized on any console however I designed this for Oculus Rift headsets with mounted leap motion controllers . The H.H.G. is equipped with a motion sensor that will translate your arm movements to the right joystick’s X and Y rotations. This enables the player to aim in first person shooter games simply by moving their arm. The ergonomically placed thumb stick will enable you to move your character with just as much accuracy as a two handed controller. The Controller can effectively be utilized with the following game genres but is not limited to them:
First person shooter: Accuracy is key in FPS games. With the Hammer Head gauntlet you can stay on top of the competition.
I will take a more descriptive approach for the controller use in FPS games. Your arm will act as the right stick which is primarily used for aiming on most twin stick controllers. The left joystick functionality will be mapped to the thumb stick on the hammer head. This is primarily used to move the character forward, backward, left and right in 3D space. The Primary and secondary triggers can be assigned to the left or right trigger as desired. Since the Arm will act as the Right aiming stick, there is a joystick button in place for the ring finger. This is not a button that is frequently used so it provides an excellent location for the crouch or duck button. The left and right bumpers are located on the central control hub of the H.H.G. and can be accessed easily with the thumb. Programming your favorite phrase into the remote and assigning this phrase to a button will enable you to be fast and efficient on the battlefield.
Third person platform and shooters: Run, Jump, Climb and fight with ease as the hammer Head Gauntlet has everything you will need to meet the challenges presented by third person games.
Control Scheme example:
Rotate the camera by moving your arm in the desired direction.
Thumb stick: Move character
Trigger 1: Shoot
Trigger 2: Aim
Left Bumper button: Display quest route
Right Bumper: Quick health
Wrist tilt D-Pad UP: Change grenades
Wrist tilt D-Pad Left/Right: Change Weapon
Left Thumb Stick Button: Switch Stance
Right Thumb Stick Button: Crouch
X button: Weak Melee Attack
Y button: Strong Melee Attack
A button: Interact/ Climb
B button: Grab/ Pick Up
2D side scrolling: Moving from left to right with the D-pad is as natural as tilting your wrist in the direction you want your character to go.
A: Jump
x: Drink potion
Y: Ready Spell
B: Ready Special Spell
Thumb stick: Aim attack or spell
Trigger 1: Cast Spell
Trigger 2: Melee Attack
Wrist tilt D-pad Up: Enter door/ talk
Wrist tilt D-pad Down: Duck
Wrist tilt D-pad left: Move left
Wrist tilt D-pad right: Move right
Button layout and features:
Side View
1: Right Thumb stick Button
2: Adjustable arm for dominant hand
3: Support Bracer
4: Adjustable arm strap
5: D-Pad
6: Macro HUD
7: Trigger 2
8: Trigger Guard
9: Trigger 1
10: Motion Sensor
11: USB charging port
Top view
1: D-Pad
2: Thumb Stick For right hand
3: Thumb Stick For left hand
4: Left Bumper
5: Motion toggle (Use this button to stop and start 1:1 motion sensing)
6: Right Bumper
7: Macro HUD
8: Rumble/ force feedback
9: Mic
A: A
B: B
X: X
Y: Y
Over the shoulder
D-pad UP
D-pad DOWN
D-pad LEFT
instead of simply making it dpad up, down, left, right... why not make it 'control scheme 1 - 4' instead, so all the other buttons are capable of 4 possible choices, or make it so you can switch between using it like a joystick OR the different control schemes?